Andrei Vorobiev
General Manager
Distinguished Cultural Worker of Russia
Andrei has joined the theater in 1993. He rose through the ranks from the assistant stage director and administrator, and was appointed the theater’s director in 2001.
In 2014, Andrei became the course manager at the Production Department of the Moscow Art Theater School.
In 2014, Andrei became the course manager at the Production Department of the Moscow Art Theater School.
- Awards
- Winner of Moscow city prize in the sphere of literature and art in the “Architecture” category for the development and implementation of the project for construction of Fomenko Workshop Theater’s new building (2008)
- Winner of the Stanislavsky Prize “For the preparation and opening of Fomenko Workshop Theater’s New Stage” (2011)
- Winner of “the Stanislavsky Prize’ as the bedt theater General Manager (2019)
- Interview with Andrey Vorobyov to Nina Sorotkina, Troitsk television534.07 Мб, 00:45:38
- "Family happiness" is a special guest of the IV Festival of Performances of the Far East. Guberniya TV Channel, October 3, 202340.15 Мб, 00:02:14
- "A Midsummer Night's Dream", touring on the stage of the Musical Theater of Karelia as part of the Golden Mask Festival. TV Russia 1, December 9, 202032.07 Мб, 00:03:25
- Workshop Theater tour in Perm, reportage in the "Vesti-Perm" program, Russia-1 TV channel, May 16, 2023169.01 Мб, 00:01:58
- Andrei Vorobiev is in the story about theaters, the program "Together is profitable", MTRK "Mir", November 13, 2021280.67 Мб, 00:03:48
Показать все
- «A Midsummer Night's Dream», the story about the tour in Ufa on the portal "UTV. Ufa and Bashkiria News", November 19, 202156.73 Мб, 00:03:42
- Andrei Vorobiev participates in a discussion on the topic "Theater in the era of high technology" in the talk show "Agora" by Mikhail Shvydkoi on the TV channel Russia-Culture, October 30, 20211145.42 Мб, 00:58:30
- Fomenko's Workshop Theater in the report of the TV channel Russia on the Night of Theaters, March 28, 202175.67 Мб, 00:01:29
- Andrei Vorobiev in the news story of the TVRain channel about the new rules for Seating viewers, November 13, 202096.46 Мб, 00:01:55
- Extracurricular reading. Andrei Vorobiev reads poems of his favorite poets, August 26, 20203525.29 Мб, 00:40:12
- Opening of the exhibition «Vladimir Dmitriev. Painting and theater». Andrei Vorobiev, Dmitry Chukovsky, Elena Strutinskaya, Sergey Barkhin, Yuri Rost performed, February 18, 2020757.37 Мб, 00:12:49
- Kapustnik dedicated to the 26th anniversary of the Pyotr Fomenko Workshop Theater, January 13, 20204096.00 Мб, 02:22:04
- Andrei Vorobiev in the program «Flights in a dream and in reality», Radio 1, June 8, 2018679.09 Мб, 01:02:22
- Extracurricular reading. Andrei Vorobiev reads poems of his favorite poets, April 13, 20201880.79 Мб, 00:42:35
- «Pyotr Fomenko. Let's start with who loves whom». TVC, January 5, 2020381.60 Мб, 01:04:11
- Andrei Vorobiev - the best Director of the theater! Fragment of the award ceremony «Star of the theatergoer», December 2, 2019263.43 Мб, 00:03:47
- Residents of the Dorogomilovo protest against the construction of the rehearsal building of the Workshop Theater. Moscow 24, November 19, 2019155.95 Мб, 00:03:26
- Pyotr Fomenko Workshop Theater in Kineshma in the framework of the project «Big tour». Kineshma information portal «168 hours», Press conference October 11, 2018207.41 Мб, 00:17:30
- Kapustnik, part 2. The performances from twenty-eight to the first, January 13, 20191936.44 Мб, 01:03:42
- Kapustnik, part 1. Performances from sixty-sixth to twenty-ninth, January 13, 20190.00 Мб, 01:09:45
- Report about the income of theaters in the program of Gregory Zaslavsky «Cult//Tourism», Mir TV, November 18, 2018222.87 Мб, 00:05:57
- «Wolves and Sheep» - tour in Kineshma in the framework of the «Big tour», The week, KineshemecRU, October 13, 2018169.69 Мб, 00:06:19
- Kapustnik, part 3. 13th of January 20170.00 Мб, 00:59:28
- Kapustnik, part 1. 13th of January 20170.00 Мб, 01:03:35
- The opening of the exhibition of sculpture Rosa Serra, 29th of May 20181061.24 Мб, 00:23:42
- The opening of the exhibition «On stage» from the collection of Michael Alshibaya, 4th of April 20181375.51 Мб, 00:23:20
- Открытие выставки памяти Александра Харитонова, 5 февраля 2018 г.952.00 Мб, 00:16:07
- Andrei Vorobiev and Yevgeny Kamenkovich are visiting Anton Dolin`s «Collection of words», radio Mayak, 31st of January 2018301.58 Мб, 00:43:51
- Opening of the exhibition of Oskar Rabin (theater shooting), 26th of October 20171766.64 Мб, 00:39:28
- Andrei Vorobiev is a guest of «Radio Baltkom», 23th of October 2017368.04 Мб, 00:42:44
- Tours in Perm and Kudymkar, news broadcaster Rifey-Perm, 21st of June 2017166.18 Мб, 00:03:15
- The opening of the exhibition of Lilia Sokurenko, 16th of June 20172025.57 Мб, 00:54:31
- «Spaniards in Denmark», tour in Sevastopol. NTS, 3rd of June 201766.59 Мб, 00:01:45
- The opening of the exhibition of Irina Starzhenitskaya «And they grew up not in this world...», 12th of April 20171629.24 Мб, 00:27:48
- The opening of the exhibition of Stanislav Morozov, 1st of February 2017695.60 Мб, 00:11:51
- The Director Andrey Vorobiev conducts a tour of the Pyotr Fomenko Workshop Theater, 22th of November 2016175.72 Мб, 00:25:45
- ArtNight in Fomenko Workshop Theatre, Mir 24 TV, 5th of November 201630.21 Мб, 00:00:49
- The opening of the exhibition of Anna Belan1454.34 Мб, 00:32:50
- The opening of the XIV theatrical season, report of the theatre178.78 Мб, 00:02:27