running time 1 h 10 mDescription" data-junior="0">…SoulsA Midsummer Night's DreamA Ridiculous ManA Theatrical NovelA journey into theatre historyAbsolutely Incredible Event (Marriage in 2 acts)Alice Through the Looking GlassArcadiaBright Souls, or How to Write a StoryBulat and two BorisesCome in, come inDangerous tiesEgyptian nightsFamily HappinessFaryatyev's FantasiesFoyer for YouHe Was a Titular CounsellorKing LearLast MeetingsLight BreathingMolly SweeneyMother CourageMy BrelPugachovRiverside countryRuslan and LyudmilaSeryozha is very stupidSweeping water movementsThe Cherry OrchardThe Comedy on TragedyThe Divine Comedy. VariationsThe Egyptian StampThe GiftThe Madwoman of ChaillotThe Master and MargaritaThe School for WivesThe SeagullThe Will of Charles Adams, or the House of the Seven HungTriptychTwenty thirdVisiting Baron MunchhausenWar and Peace. The Beginning of the NovelWithout a DowryWolves and sheep-- choose a show --
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