
The Egyptian Stamp
Old Stage, Green Hall

A Novella. In the Trials and Mistakes project., running time: 1 h 10 m, prime May 28, 2013
Ticket price range 1000—5000 rub.
  • Author — Osip Mandelshtam
  • Author of the Idea — Pyotr Fomenko
  • Seized the Idea — Dmitry Rudkov
  • Designer — Alexandra Dashevskaya
  • Lighting Design — Vladislav Frolov
  • Text Adaptation — Dmitry Rudkov, Maria Kozyar
  • Stage Manager — Olga Lopach
  • Sound Design — Sergei Zverev, Denis Zabiyaka
ВНИМАНИЕ! Во время действия спектакля, выполняя поставленные режиссёром творческие задачи и ремарки автора, артисты курят на сцене. Просим учесть эту информацию, планируя посещение данного спектакля.
Upcoming Performances

April, 25, 20:00

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With poems by Osip Mandelstam, fragments from his article “Theatre and Word,” “Stabat Mater” by Pergolesi, “Nightingale” by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, the song “Chizhyk-Pyzhik.”

This is an experimental stage production based on the play by the great early 20th century Russian poet Osip Mandelstam, which has been only partially preserved.

“Mandelstam’s story is unusual.. There is no setup and no resolution.” (M. Zinger, Izvestia, September 27, 1928)

“When I think, I use the left out links […] These links explain the motives.” (O. Mandelstam)
“The Egyptian Stamp” is a production that fails to satisfy any criteria. It doesn’t fit with the “season’s contemporary trends.” A certain arrogance of detachment from trends and popular topics is tangible in the air. “What hour?” he was asked here, and he answered with a curious “eternity.”
Olga Yegoshina, Novye Izvestia

Pictures, Intonations, Musical Setting, Characters and Cast

Angiolina Bosio's court. Laundresses, theatre lovers, onlookers

Production Supervisor — Yevgeny Kamenkovich


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