
One Absolutely Happy Village
Old Stage, Green Hall

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A performance created on the basis of Boris Vakhtin’s novel, running time: 2 h, prime June 20, 2000
Ticket price range 5000—30000 rub.
  • Author — Boris Vakhtin
  • Director — Pyotr Fomenko
  • Stage Design — Vladimir Maximov
  • Costume Design — Maria Danilova
  • Costume Design Assistant — Sergei Bartoshevich
  • Designer — Irina Bachurina
  • Teacher — Vera Kamyshnikova
ВНИМАНИЕ! Во время действия спектакля, выполняя поставленные режиссёром творческие задачи и ремарки автора, артисты курят на сцене. Просим учесть эту информацию, планируя посещение данного спектакля.
Upcoming Performances

April, 9, 19:00

April, 20, 19:00

This is one of Pyotr Fomenko’s universally acknowledged masterpieces, based on the prose of his friend, writer Boris Vakhtin, who wrote about World War II. Aspiring to create the kindred atmosphere, the production’s creators stage the play as a series of studies and vignettes, absolutely symbolic and open to spectators’ interpretation. “As for the absolutely happy village, it’s not a novel or a poem, it’s just a song… And the war rushed into this song…”

  • Awards
  • Winner of the Golden Mask Prize in the “Drama/Small Scale Production” category, 2001
  • Pyotr Fomenko was nominated for the Golden Mask Prize in the “Drama/Best Director” category, 2001
  • Polina Agureeva was nominated for the Golden Mask Prize in the “Drama/Best Actress” category, 2001
  • Sergei Taramaev was nominated for the Golden Mask Prize in the “Drama/Best Actor” category, 2001
  • Winner of the International Stanislavsky Prize of 2000 in the “Best Production of the Season” category
  • Polina Agureeva won the Kumir (Idol) Prize of 2001 in the “Prospect of the Year” category for her role of Polina
In the course of production, the actors and their characters gradually move from the animation of things, mechanisms, animals, and the river, to the animation of humans, animation of life. They go from an honest play to an honest life. From the earthly, horizontal life to the soulful, vertical life. The life is soulful, not spiritual. Spirituality is the business of ideologists and ethicists. But here, we learn without any commandments and rules that people go away to war in order to come back. That our dead ones are never far gone, they are close to us, and love doesn’t die when they do. It’s just that if we have to go on living, we have to, we are obliged to love those who are alive. Love is the only justification of our life.
Olga Fuks, Evening Moscow

Characters and Cast


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